Saturday, March 21, 2009


what can i say, you saw the title, if you're still reading, you should have an idea what you're getting into ;)

afton pooped in the toilet for the first time today! she's really been resisting potty training, so i think this was a major step... in fact, she'd been sitting on her little potty seat a few minutes, then she wanted her big girl panties, so a couple minutes later when she announced loudly "i pooped" i nearly freaked (thinking i had a huge mess to clean up), but on glancing over, i realized if she had, it certainly wasn't a big mess so i got her to run to the bathroom, where we jumped her up on the big potty as she explained, "i hold it in" --what a great girl!!!!!!!!!


Judy said...

You've got to love these milestones. Now to make them consistent.

katharine said...

how excting! good job big girl :)

Megs said...

What a big girl! It'll be so nice to only have one to diaper now!

West Family said...

Yeah! All the hard work is paying off, the purple shoes will be Afton's soon!