Tuesday, August 18, 2009


lately, rayna has really been making her voice heard. she's really loud, and usually fairly melodic (that's called looking for a silver lining). she still doesn't use much sign, though we keep trying to instill that skill, but she has found a few ways of expressing herself. my current favorite is nodding/shaking her head. she knows what we mean, and she knows what she wants, so usually she will nod yes with one emphatic shake if we say something right :) (and ignore us if we don't say what she wants to hear). this is particularly cute at bedtime. she "says" a little prayer with paul or me giving her ideas of what to be thankful or ask for, and i'm sure she gets said what she wants (unless we forget something) it's sweet. hopefully she'll start talking a little more soon too.

in other news, i'm pretty sure she's finally getting a few more teeth. for the last 3 1/2 months she's only had her front four teeth, so it's nice for her to have a couple more in (the top side, aother front tooth, and i think the other one's a molar), and a bunch more bumps that are sure to come through eventually...

and finally, my favorite pic:

i asked her to smile, and boy did she! (i only wish she woul do that more for the camera!)


Christine said...

So cute! I love those little curls. :)

Judy said...

She puts her whole face into those smiles. Cute!

Elaine said...

She is a sweetheart. We miss you!