Saturday, June 19, 2010

need to vent

just me popping in to say... i need to vent, feel free to ignore this post, or offer sympathy, advice or babysitting :)

actually, "vent" is probably the wrong word, but i'm so brain-dead i don't know any of the right words right now. i guess most people need help when they have a new baby, it seems pretty logical, you've just gone through a major physical/emotional/etc experience and have the right to be tired! well, i seem to get a pretty good rush of something (probably not just adrenaline, but in part) that keeps me going for 5-6 weeks, then i hit a brick wall and just get tired. i'm tired. unfortunately this also seems to be the time i decide i live in filth and need to deep-clean everything in my house, and it also is the time when paul's back to full-time work (roughly 60-70 hours/week... that's really full time!). i remember all this happening when both the girls were born too, though now there's three kids... it's always one more ;). anyways, i hate how tired i am, how i feel like i get nothing done, and how i snap at people (especially paul and the kids). grrr... and yet it feels like i can't really control it. hopefully this will be just like the last two times and work itself out in the next week or two (that's about how long it lasted before), and everything will get back to normal. until then sorry for my snappishness and general lack of brainpower (forgetting stuff, not being able to think of the word, etc).

on a positive note, malachi's begun smiling at me :)


Judy said...

Post-partum hormonal blahs. I have heard about them but never really identified it. I wish I was living in your town so I could come help clean. I'm pretty good at it now - just helped clean Katrina's apt. after they moved out. If it only lasts a week you'll survive the mess and hopefully your family doesn't disown you for being a crab!

Marcy in TX said...

Calling sisters?! Shall I send Melissa down? I can't bend over right now without intense sinus pressure, but soon I hope. In the meantime... this too will pass! :)

katharine said...

been there! - in fact, i STILL am. I am always tired these days. although my baby occasionally sleeps through the night at this point, I never get to! and now that she's mobile, I really have to start cleaning! i've got the sinus headache too, so I'm sympathizing, though I know that's not the help you need.

Meli said...

You need me to come down on Tuesday afternoon? I'm at least good for some scrubbing.

Darlyn said...

Might I suggest any/all of the following:
--rocky road ice cream, daily doses
--a good scream and possible cry
--have an aunt watch all 3 kids so you can get a 3-hour nap
--lower your expectations...sorry to say, but sometimes it helps.

Hang in there!