Thursday, August 18, 2011

more pics of malachi

so i just uploaded pictures form the last 2 weeks, and there's not really anything exciting (not that we didn't still have fun, but i guess i just haven't pulled the camera out much). however, there are a ton of pictures of malachi, he's quite a silly poser! here's a few of my favorites: 

gotta love pudding!!! and with my own spoon!!!

playing with rayna :)

who could resist those eyes?! and with the kissy-face already ready?!

rocking the feet up

he loves blowing... i know the pic is a little fuzzy, but it  still makes me smile :)
ps, i don't usually have my child running around naked or even half-naked... i just realized that
 this post would make it appear otherwise... not quite sure how that happened...


Elaine said...

He is such a cutie! I love his hair, I just think it is adorable. In that last picture he looks a lot like Afton.

katharine said...

august might as well be naked month, much more comfy that way. he looks so much like you!