Monday, June 4, 2012

more fun(ny) things

i just noticed i'd already uploaded thises pictures a while ago and i forgot to post them...

malachi loves chocolate covered strawberries!

rayna loves chocolate

maybe it's not nice of me to post this one, but it cracked me up... one of malachi's temper tantrums. he's the first of my kids to do the full on lay-on-the-floor-and-hit-things kind of tantrum, generally over silly little things, but he sure knows how to act heartbroken too.

this baby blue jay fell into my back yard a month or so ago and it took him the whole day to figure out how to get back up into the trees. i'm kind of glad they've moved on though, it's amazing how much bird poop falls eneath a nest!

and this one just makes me smile. paul and chi frequently go on walks in the evenings just before bedtime, but one day malachi wanted to ride instead, so he took his horse along. it's just so in character for both of them.


Marcy in TX said...

Love those "typical" candids!

Judy said...

It is always fun to see the "moments" in your life. I think the tantrum pictures will be great to share in years to come. Do I hear "blackmail"?