Saturday, March 1, 2008

hog haven

paul and i went out to dinner last night (that's right, withOUT afton--weird) to a new little place called hog haven. this may sound like a biker's barbeque hangout, and it is, but it was wonderful! i've never seen such atmosphere, it was hilarious! and the food was pretty good too. i think my favorite part is that it was real, the order taker (at the counter, nothing so fancy as waiters) had tatoos all up and down his arms, and he was very careful to count out our change exactly, with his fingers :)... the "bus-boy" clearing the tables had a stringy gray pony-tail almost to his waist, and the cooks were just as authentic. there were at least three motercycles parked out front, and little bud vases of red carnations on the tables. it was great! paul had smelled the food (they've got two big barbeques out front that are always smoking, one for brisket, the other for various smoked meats, we asked) every time he rode his bike past to or from work, and he's been interested in visiting ever since. we had a great time!


katharine said...

do you mean bike as in bicycle or bike as in motorcycle?

Marcy in TX said...

i'm glad you made it out to dinner. How did Afton do with the sitter(s)? It sounds like you went to an exciting place. We have a Harley Davidson distributor here in town so we often see groups of "hog" riders!