Thursday, June 4, 2009

school daze...

well, now that all our friends are posting about the end of school and the beginning of summer, i've just gotta say. summer was nice and paul's back in school already :(

okay, i'm not really being fair; he's taking a summer term class, so he had most of may off, and now he'll be done again around july 4th for another month til school starts in august.
(he just bought his books though, and i can't believe it, they're about $700! EEEK!)

ps, having nothing to do with school: as soon as i had my massive melt-down potty-training post, it seems afton's changed her mind... she's only had two accidents in the last week, one camping (late at night by the fire, who can blame her? not me...) and one at wal-mart (this one may even qualify as my fault, we were literally in the process of checking out, when she told me she had to go, and i tried to get her to wait the 2 minutes necessary to finish... that was about 1 1/2 minutes too long! fortunately, there was a janitor at the end of the next aisle already, so they had it cleaned up for me about as fast as we finished check-out :)


Judy said...

Make sure you write that down somewhere safe- so you can trot the WalMart story out when it is guaranteed to embarrass her! Glad she's got the trick down for the most part. Progress is being made!

Judy said...
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Christine said...

Good job, Afton! Hooray! :)