Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Temple trip with Grandma W

Paul had training the week his mom was here visiting, which meant he left really early and didn't get home til a bit late most nights, what with the extra travel and such, so we took Friday afternoon and drove up to meet him. The hospital he was doing his training at was very near the temple, so we took a picnic and took the kids to see it! It was a good experience.
climbing a tree in the parking lot
family pose
and one with Grandma
Malachi loved the water fountain (waterfall)
we also loved the doors. we took a bit of a walk around the grounds and appreciated the fall foliage and the grounds
and the temple itself of course... we love stained glass
random little insert here, does anyone (Mom) know what these flowers are?
they reminded me of crocuses, but it's fall, not spring...
I spy three little kids hiding in the Japanese maples
our picnic spot (we had homemade pretzels with ham and cheese rolled up in them--yum)
and of course we spent a bit of time in the visitor's center. there are dozens of church videos and things there. I'm pretty sure they designed it on purpose so parents could leave their kids there with a babysitter while they go to the temple. our older kids would love that! (we didn't take the time to watch very many)


Marcy in TX said...

Love it! I would have loved to do that too. Maybe next time?!
Lovely day at my favorite temple!

Judy said...

Yep I would call those crocus too - great place to take the children, we never tire of showing the grandkids our temple either.